Welcome future Miss Davis County
Please download and print the Miss
Davis County Packet it has tons of information about getting ready for the Miss
Davis County Pageant 2015. Down load and print the contract and open the
fill-able-application, fill it out, follow the instructions about saving the
PDF and email it to me at missdaviscountyutah@gmail.com as soon as
Our opening social will be held
Thursday, February 7th at 8pm, bring the contract that’s filled out and signed
by a parent if applicable and get it notarized. The dress is Sunday best and will
be a fun exciting night as all your questions are answered.
We encourage you to bring to each workshop the following: 3” heals for modeling, Wear leggings,
skirt or shorts- no baggy pants
The reason we (the committee) are doing
what we do is because we love this program and how it can help the young ladies
in this county. If you have any problems please let me know, there is always a
way to work them out. You can e-mail me at: missdaviscountyutah@gmail.com
to relax and Have Fun!!!
This contractual agreement is executed
this day of
2015, by and between _______________________________,
an individual
residing at,
(hereinafter referred to as "Contestant") and the Miss Davis County
Outstanding Teen Pageant, Inc (hereinafter referred to as "M.D.C.O.T.P.").
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the
mutual covenants of the parties as hereinafter set forth, M.D.C.O.T.P and the
Contestant mutually agree as follows:
The Contestant hereby applies for entry
as a Contestant in the Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant, preliminary
to the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant, to compete for the title of
"MISS DAVIS COUNTY Outstanding Teen 2013," and for the opportunity to
compete for scholarships and other awards sponsored by the M.D.C.O.T.P The Miss
Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant, Inc., is the official franchise holder
of the Miss Davis County Pageant and Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant
which is to be conducted in Davis County, Utah.
The Contestant hereby makes the
following statements and representations: I ATTEST THAT:
I am a citizen of the United States of America, and will remain such throughout
my participation in the Miss America program, and reside in Davis County, Utah.
I, ___________________(name) have been a resident of the City of Davis County
for six (6) months prior to the Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant of
2013 and I will remain in Davis County (or close proximity) during the year of my
reign and up through the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant 2015 competition.
Residence. I understand that, in order to be eligible to compete in the
M.O.O.T. P. in anticipation of competing in the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen
Finals, I must reside in, be enrolled in, and attending classes on a full-time
basis at an accredited public, private or home schooling program.
a. b.
Age. I am currently ____ years of age.
I was born on _______________, 20___. I understand that, in order to be
eligible to compete in the MAOT National Finals, I must comply with the
The contestant must be a minimum of thirteen (13) years of age on the first day
of the State competition (Usually in Oct).
May not have graduated from high school before the start of the MAOT (Miss
Outstanding Teen) National Finals,
except for 16 year olds (or younger) who graduated
early. iii.
May not turn eighteen (18) years of age on or before July 31, 2017 the year of
National Finals in which she will
compete. iv.
Not eligible to compete in the Miss America Pageant.
Please submit a copy of your birth certificate vi.
Please submit a copy of your Student ID if you possible
4 Education. In order to be eligible to
compete in the Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant, I must be enrolled
in an accredited public, private or home schooling program with passing scores
(passing score as determined by state accreditation score) in academic and citizenship
I will maintain one or more of the eligibility requirements to compete in the
Pageant through my competition in the finals of the State and National Pageant.
In such regard, I acknowledge that my ability to compete in the pageant shall
be subject to review at each level of competition that I enter and that the
determination of my eligibility to compete in the pageant shall not in and of
itself be the basis of my eligibility to compete in the State and/or National
I am of good moral character. I have never performed any act or engaged in any
activity which is or could be characterized as dishonest, immoral, immodest,
indecent or in bad taste.
I am female, have always been female, single, have never been married, never
been pregnant, nor had a child, in or out of wedlock, nor had an abortion,
except in the case of rape or incest.
I am not the adoptive parent of any
I have never posed nude in public or private nor participated in immoral or
lewd activities which could bring discredit on the standards and values
associated with the M.O.S.P.
I have not been involved in, or convicted of, or plead guilty to, any crimes,
including felonies and/or misdemeanors, and narcotic violations (exclusive of
traffic violations) nor do I now use nor have I ever used narcotics of any
10 Health. I am in good health and can,
to the best of my knowledge, participate fully in any Program activities.
11 Substance Abuse. I do not use or consume
any illegal controlled dangerous substances or abuse the use of alcohol or
other dangerous substances.
picture, or present or future title, in
connection with or endorsement or advertisement of any commercial product, or
appearance for same.
13 I am not under contract to any
person, firm, or corporation, nor have I made any commitments for the future,
nor have I any legal obligations.
14 Ihavenocommitmentsforparticipationorappearanceinanyotherpageantduringtheterm
of this contract
In consideration of the admission of
the Contestant in the forthcoming M.O.O.T.P., including the right to compete
for, and, if successful, to participate in the M.D.C.O.T.P Scholarships and other
awards, the Contestant hereby agrees as follows:
Participate in the series of events leading up to the final selection of
"Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen, 2013," and all events leading up
to the close of Pageant week, including to the actual point at which Miss Davis
County Outstanding Teen is chosen and the final performance is over and I have
cleaned my dressing room area and received permission from my hostess to leave.
Be bound by the rules and regulations governing the awarding and supervision of
the scholarships and other awards of the M.O.O.T.P.
Display in a maximum of 2 min, a talent presentation. This talent may be
singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, dramatic reading, etc., or a
maximum of a 2 min. talk. All background music will be turned into pageant
directors in cd form, technical rehearsal night or the day they are due on the
schedule; no live accompanists will be permitted. Judges will be informed
immediately if a contestant runs over her allotted time.
Double Talents: if a contestant wishes to perform a double talent, i.e. singing
and dancing, or sing and piano playing, she must do both live on stage. She
will only be judged for what is done live. Talents Involving original work or
material: any contestant who plans to present a talent act that involves prior
original work on her part; i.e. own painting, dressmaking, music arrangement,
song writing, dramatic reading, etc., must have notarized authentication that
she created that work if she wishes to receive credit for the same.
Perform 30 hours of service surrounding my platform of choice.
I agree that the manner and method of conducting the Finals of the M.D.C.O.T.Pshall
be in the sole discretion of the M.D.C.O.T.Pand I further agree that the time,
method, and manner of judging Finals of the M.D.C.O.T.Pand the awards and
supervision of the Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen shall be within the sole
discretion of the M.O.O.T.P., and that the decision of the persons designated
to judge the various events in any and all matters pertaining to the selection
of the winners shall be final.
I also agree to not, in any way, contest the decisions of the designated judges
nor make any claim against the judges, the M.O.O.T.P.,or any individuals
associated with the pageant, concerning said decisions.
I understand that scholarship funds and other awards and services have been
provided by certain prominent companies and by the M.O.O.T.P., itself, and I
agree that at no time during the period I hold the title of MISS DAVIS COUNTY
OUTSTANDING TEEN, will I endorse or permit my name or likeness to be used in
connection with the endorsement or advertisement of any product or products or
services competitive to any of the products or services of the companies
contributing to the M.O.O.T.P.
I attest and agree that, during the
franchise year of 2015, in which the Local Pageant has the franchise contract
with the Miss Utah Pageant:
I have never been, nor will I become, a Contestant or participant in any other
local, State, National or International competition of a nature similar to the
Finals of the M.O.O.T.P.., or Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant whether or not
it is televised nationally during the said period of time, nor any affiliated
preliminary or part of such competition. I further agree that my failure to
keep and perform the above agreement shall, at the option of the Directors of
the M.D.C.O.T.Pand/or Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant, terminate my present
title and bar me from the M.D.C.O.T.Pand all privileges attached thereto.
I understand and acknowledge that by accepting the local title listed on page
one of this agreement, affiliated with the M.O.O.T.P., all other titles I may
hold are immediately canceled including M.D.C.O.T.Paffiliates or others and I
attest herewith that I have notified appropriate officials and have returned
all scholarships, awards, and other winnings to the appropriate pageant
officials of any previously held titles.
If I am selected MISS DAVIS COUNTY
I constitute and appoint the M.D.C.O.T.Pas my sole and exclusive agent for the
making of all press releases, statements to the press, contracts and
engagements (whether for theatrical, artistic, or commercial employment) until
the next Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant is conducted.
The M.D.C.O.T.Pshall, with my preference considered, have the right to choose
and designate my wardrobe for Miss Utah Outstanding Teen 2013, and I will make
myself available for such personal appearances, interviews, testimonials,
endorsements, filming, tapings, photographic, and recording sessions and such
other various commitments that the M.D.C.O.T.Phas made and will make for me.
I recognize that the rank or title "MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING
TEEN" is the property of the M.O.O.T.P., and I agree never to use or to
authorize others to use the words, "MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING
TEEN" in association with my name, my person, or my likeness in any way
which might harm the M.D.C.O.T.Pand/or the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant.
If the Miss Davis County Outstanding
Teen Pageant or the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant notifies me that any use
of the words "MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN" by me or with my
authorization is, in their judgment, likely to harm the Miss Davis County
Outstanding Teen Pageant or the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant, I will immediately
discontinue such use.
I agree to participate in the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant, 2015, as
If any of the representations and warranties made by me herein shall prove
false, or if I fail to abide by all of the terms hereof, or if during the
period I bear the title "MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN 2015," or
the title of its local affiliate or prior to bearing these titles, I conduct
myself in a manner which in the sole opinion of the M.D.C.O.T.Pand/or the Miss
Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant, and/or its local affiliate, does not uphold and
maintain the dignity, honor, image, or I behave in a manner contrary to the
expectations or desires of M.D.C.O.T.Pofficials, or its affiliates, then, at the
option of the M.D.C.O.T.Pand/or the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant and/or
its affiliates, I shall forfeit the right to the title "MISS DAVIS COUNTY
Outstanding Teen 2015," or the title of its local affiliates, and all
awards, scholarships, and prerequisites pertaining thereto, and a Runner-up to
the title "MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN 2013," or the title of
its local affiliate will be declared my successor and shall receive all
benefits to which I would otherwise be entitled.
In the event that I become engaged, marry or become pregnant during the period
between the date of this agreement, I shall forfeit my right to participate in
the MISS UTAH OUTSTANDING TEEN PAGEANT 2013 or its affiliates, and would
immediately forfeit and surrender my local Pageant title, plus all
scholarships, gifts, and awards received or promised from my Local Pageant
If I am selected as First Runner-up to the title of MISS DAVIS COUNTY
OUTSTANDING TEEN, I agree to be available to assume all of the duties and
obligations of MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN. If, as a runner-up, I did
succeed to the title of MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN, or for any other
reason, then, and in such event, I agree to be bound by all of the provisions
of this agreement which relate to MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN.
In the event that I have failed or shall hereafter fail to carry out and
perform my duties as MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN or violate and/or fail
to comply with all rules and regulations governing MISS DAVIS COUNTY OUSTANDING
TEEN as set forth in this agreement, then, at the option of the MISS DAVIS
COUNTY Scholarship Pageant, I shall forfeit the right to, and the title of MISS
DAVIS COUNTY OUTSTANDING TEEN and all awards, scholarships and benefits
pertaining thereto; and a runner-up to the title of MISS DAVIS COUNTY
OUTSTANDING TEEN can be declared my successor and receive all benefits to which
I would otherwise to entitled.
I have read the official rules and
regulations of the pageant contained herein and in other publications and I
will comply with them in every way. I agree that if I violate and/or fail to
comply with said rules and regulations or any terms of this contract, or if in
the opinion of pageant officials my behavior is inappropriate in any way, the
M.O.S.P. and/or its affiliate will have every right to decide if I am no longer
eligible to be an active contestant or reigning queen in the Miss Davis County
Outstanding Teen Pageant or its affiliate.
I also agree that if the Pageant
officials decide I do not qualify as a Pageant contestant and/or reigning
queen, then I will be notified in writing of said decision, and I will in no
way contest such a decision, or make any claim of any kind against the M.D.C.O.T.Por
its affiliates, or any individual associated with said Pageant organization.
Immediately upon receiving such written notice, I agree I would surrender and
return to the Pageant office, or its affiliate, all awards, gifts,
scholarships, and material items that I have, or may have, won, been awarded,
or loaned by the M.D.C.O.T.Pshould I be disqualified either as a contestant or
a reigning queen. I would waive all claims to any such awards,
gifts, scholarships or material items,
and would not make any claims for damages for such loss.
It is understood and agreed that in no
way am I, nor do I want to be, considered as an employee of the M.D.C.O.T.Pnor
do I hold the Pageant responsible for any medical bills or other expenses caused
by illness or accident at any time. I am an independent contractor in this
agreement and in all my relationships with the M.O.O.T.P.
It is agreed that the M.D.C.O.T.Pis in
no way obligated to pay any of my debts, bills, or obligations incurred by me
before, during, or after the Pageant, nor fulfill any promises made by me,
except as herein expressly provided.
This Agreement shall solely and
exclusively determine my rights, privileges, and responsibilities to the
M.D.C.O.T.Pand the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant with the exception of any
contract or application I may sign with the Miss Utah Outstanding Teen Pageant
and no oral or other written statement shall be binding upon me.
In the event that I do not wish to
avail myself of the educational advantages of any scholarship which I may win,
it is understood that there will be no demands in fulfilling said scholarships.
No oral or written statement in respect
to my rights, privileges, and responsibilities and those of the
M.D.C.O.T.Pshall be binding upon the M.D.C.O.T.Pexcept as set forth in this
Should any one element, section or item
in this Agreement be rendered or judged unenforceable, by a duly appointed
court of law, the rest of this Agreement will be considered enforceable.
If it is ascertained I have made untrue
statements in regard to this Contract, I shall understand the Miss Davis County
Outstanding Teen Pageant and/or its affiliates will proclaim this full contract
null and void and may, at M.O.O.T.P.. or its affiliates decision, lose any and
all awards, scholarships, wardrobe and all other winnings which I may have won
as a result of my participation in the M.D.C.O.T.Pand its affiliates.
That should the above-named Contestant
be successful in winning the title of Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen for
2013, she will be awarded a Scholarship by M.D.C.O.T.Pto the institution of
learning or professional college of her choice in an amount to be determined by
the M.D.C.O.T.Pat the end of her reigning year.
Should the above-named contestant be
successful in winning a place of First, she shall be awarded a Scholarship by
M.D.C.O.T.Pin the amount to be determined by the M.O.O.T.P.
Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen 2015
further agrees to organize and conduct a program whereby she will visit the
schools in Davis County to make presentations to the students regarding her
community service based platform. Presentations must be completed one month
prior to Miss Davis County Outstanding Teen Pageant 2014.
SIGNED by the parties hereto this
_____day of__________________2015. Miss Davis County Scholarship Pageant, Inc.
Miss Davis County Contestant
Parent or Guardian (if contestant is under 18)
) ) SS
Kimberly Harris, Director of MOSP
being duly sworn on her oath according to law deposes and says that the
statements made in this Contract are true to the best of her knowledge,
information and belief. And does hereby consent to and agree to all the terms
and provisions set forth in the foregoing agreement. And further says that she
is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the foregoing agreement.
______________________________ Signature
of Contestant
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand and seal this ____ day of _______________, 2015.
____________________________ Notary
signatures required below if contestant is under 18 years of age.
We, the undersigned, the parents or
natural guardians (or duly appointed, qualified, and acting legal guardians),
of_________________________________________________the foregoing contestant, do
hereby consent to and agree to all the terms and provisions of the foregoing
application blank and agreements therein contained, on behalf of ourselves,
individually and as the guardians of said contestant, and we do hereby agree to
ensure that said contestant complies with the agreements contained in the
foregoing application. We do further agree that we have not heretofore
authorized any person, firm, or party to use the name, photograph, picture, or
present or future title, in connection with an endorsement or advertisement of
any commercial product for or in behalf of our child, or ward, and we do
further agree not to do so during the period from the date hereof and the
selection of MISS UTAH 2015.
SIGNATURE_____________________________________ DATE ______________________
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